
WARNING: In order to comply with the new National Security Scheme (ENS), published in the Royal Decree 311/2022 of 3rd May, the ".es" Domain Names Registry has established a two-factor authentication (2FA) to be able to access the management of your domain. By default, the 2FA code will be sent to the email address associated with your user, but once you are logged into your account, you can also set it up through any application that generates 2FA codes, e.g. Google Authenticator. (2FA User Manual)

It is necessary that your email address is operational and updated in the Registry database. We remind you of your obligation to keep all data associated with your domain name up to date (Terms and conditions).

User authentication

To access the system you can:

1- Enter the ID and password, which was assigned to register through Dominios.es.

Please enter them below:

Authentication form
Retrieve password

2- Authenticate using your eID or certificate.